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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Circular 10

Dear Comrades
Please find Circular 10 - 2013 posted below
With greetings
M. S. Raja
Secretary General



15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/4101593/ 0 – 98681 45667

E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com

Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com

Reference: AIA/Circular-10/2013                                                           Dated: 16th April 2013


Unit Secretaries,

Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &

Members of Women's Committee


Dear Comrades,



            The 46th Conference has called upon every unit to observe 23rd April 2013  as a day to assert the fundamental right to democratic functioning and right to expression by holding lunch hour meeting and handing over the letter (draft given along with Circular 08) to (Pr) Accountant General/Director General/Director/DD (as the case may be).

            Circular 08 also called upon every unit to conduct sustained campaign amongst the membership on the various aspects. All the units should implement the programmes given there-in, even if the dates are adjusted according the local conditions.

            A detailed report on the implementation of the programme may be reported to HQr by e-mail.

            All Units shall also adopt the resolution given along with Circular 8 on the unilateral orders issued by DGA (P&T) and hand over it along with the letter addressed to CAG, endorsing a copy to HQr.



            Consequent to the one day strike on 12th December 2012, the Railway and Defence leadership has now come forward for a joint programme on the demands: Setting up of 7th CPC and Withdrawal of PFRDA Bill.

            The leadership has in a joint circular called upon the field formations and affiliates to hold demonstrations on 29th April 2013 during lunch break and send telegram to Prime Minister. Confederation Circular and joint letter by Confederation, AIRF and AIDEF are enclosed.

            We endorse the call given by the Confederation, AIRF and AIDEF and call upon every unit to hold demonstration on 29th April 2013, as decided by the State Committees of Confederation. 


            With greetings,

Yours fraternally




Secretary General



A-2/95, Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027 Website:www.confederationhq.blogspot.com.


 Tel: 011-2510 5324:  Mobile: 98110 48303


Conf/26/2013                                                                                                     Dated: 24.3.2013 


Dear Comrade,

                We invite your attention to the  efforts undertaken by us after the 12th December, one day strike action to bring about a united action by the Railway, Defence and other Central Government employees on certain pressing demands.  In this connection you will recall that Com. S.K. Vyas, our President had been writing and following it up with telephonic conversations to bring about such a platform for action. We are happy to inform you that the AIRF and AIDEF has now agreed to bring about a joint platform of action to project two important demands of the CGEs. Viz. the setting up of the 7th CPC and the withdrawal of the PFRDA Bill. 

                We send herewith the joint Circular letter issued by the three organizations on 23.3.2013 calling upon its units to organize a joint demonstration on 29th April, 2013 in front of all offices throughout the country.  The affiliates and State Committees are requested to take initiative in organizing the programme with maximum participation of members of the three organizations at a mutually agreed Central place in all Cities/towns and other places.  All Units should be requested to send the telegram to the Prime Minister and a report of the extent of participation sent to the Confederation CHQ by 3rd May, 2013.  We shall review the participation in the programme at our National Conference at Kolkata. 

                With greetings,

Yours fraternally,



K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General



4, State Entry Road, New Delhi-110055.

Manishinath Bhawan. A2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027


S.M. Joshi Bhawan, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Road, Kirkee, PUNE. 3


23rd March.2013

Dear Comrades,

 As  you are aware, the Government in reply to a question raised in the Parliament has stated that setting up of the 7th Central Pay Commission  for effecting wage revision of central Government employees is not presently under its consideration.  You will recall, that  a similar statement was made by the then Finance Minister, when the demand for setting up the 6th CPC was raised by the employees.  The Joint movement of the Central Government employees, for which we created the platform of the Steering Committee of the organizations participating in the JCM under the leadership of Late Com. J.P. Chaubey, the then General Secretary of All India Railway men Federation could ensure that the Government rescind its stand then and set up the 6th CPC.  The real value of wages determined by the 6th CPC has now been eroded to the extent of above 100% due to the unprecedented inflation in the economy and spiraling rise in the prices of essential commodities.  While the Government permits wage negotiation and revision in the fully owned Public Sector Undertakings every five years, the denial to revise the wages of Central Government employees despite such large scale erosion in the real value of wages is absolutely unjustified.

The Government had been persisting with the enactment of the PRFDA Bill in the Parliament in almost all sessions ever since the UPA II Government took over.  Ironically they could elicit support from the main Opposition Party in the country for this ill advised enactment.  Lakhs of new workers who have joined in various organizations of the Government since2004 are worried of their future, which is forlorn and bleak, in the wake of the denial of an age old social security scheme of Pension.  We have been together opposing this move right from the day, the NDA Government introduced the bill in the Parliament in 2003.  However, our efforts, actions and objections have all been ignored with disdain by the Government. Though they could not muster enough support required to pass the bill in the Parliament, the Union Cabinet has recently taken the decision to allow 49% FDI in the pension fund.

We are to channelize our efforts through a wider platform of Unity. Efforts are on anvil to bring about such a platform.  In the meantime, we have decided to call upon all Units and Branches of AIRF, Confederation and AIDEF to organize Demonstration on 29th April, 2013 in front of all offices and send the following telegram to the Prime Minister.






Name of the Unit:……………………


With greetings,


Yours fraternally,


   Sd/-                                                        Sd/-                                                    Sd/-

SHIVGOPAL MISRA                                 K.K.N. KUTTY                                   C.  Srikumar

General Secretary, AIRF    Secretary General. Confederation      General Secretary, AIDEF











Monday, April 8, 2013

Circular 09-2013

Dear Comrade

Please find Circular 09-2013 posted below

With Greetings

M. S. Raja
Secretary General



15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, DT GHAZIABAD (U.P.)-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/9868145667

e-mail:auditflag@gmail.com Website: auditflag.blogspot.com


AIA/Circular-09/2013                                                                                               7th April 2013



Unit Secretaries,

Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &

Members of Women's Committee


Dear Comrades,




            Bilateral meeting with Dy. Comptroller & Auditor General was held on 2nd April 2013. The Association was represented by Comrades M Duraipandian, President, Subhash Chandra Pandey, Vice President and V Nageswara Rao in addition to the Secretary General. DG (Staff), AC (N) and AO (JCM) were present from official side.


            At the outset DAI proposed that, as he is to retire on 30th April 2013, the agenda items in full may be taken with new DAI.


A brief of the discussion is given below.


With greetings,

Yours fraternally



(M. S. Raja)

Secretary General


Brief of Discussion with DAI on 2nd April 2013


1.         i) Re-designate LDC as Audit & Accounts Assistants and grant GP of 2400 in PB1, promote all existing LDCs as Auditor/Accountant as one time measure.

            ii) Grant GP of 4200 in PB2 to Auditors/Accountants

            iii) Grant GP of 4600 in PB2 to SA

            iv) Grant GP of 5400 in PB2 to AAOs on completion of 4 years


            DAI stated that the pay scale for AAOs has already been recommended, as for others the best things will be to keep things alive, in given context.


2.         Re-designate Supervisor as Section Officer and assign 20% of AAO post for seniority cum fitness promotion (Supervisor)


            DAI said that the issue is an open one, can discuss later.


3.         Declare SOGE (A&E) – common paper – passed candidates as promoted


            The Association was informed that of the three types of affected personnel, promotion would be granted to first 2 groups. As far as 'deemed passed' candidates, their promotion can take place only after exam takes place in A&E Offices.


4.  Treat Promotion to AAO (Section officer, prior to 1.1.2006) as (deemed) direct Recruitment and extend consequential benefits under MACPS


DAI stated that it will be considered. Association was asked to submit supporting documents that it is done in Railway Accounts and Civil Accounts.  


5. Deferred


6.         Grant of annual increment in Dies-non or EOL cases


The Association was informed that clarification will be issued to the offices which are affected. The Association was asked to give the names of the offices so that clarification could be issued.


7.         Revise the DA rates for sports and cultural activities and treat participation in sports and cultural activities as tour.


DAI informed that the necessary orders would be issued positively.


8.         Deferred


9.         Implementation of National litigation policy on service matters; revisit all punitive measures against Association functionaries on participation in regular Association activities and agitations    &


10.       Regularisation of Casual leave on 8th April 2010


After a lengthy and frank discussion, DAI agreed to examine both the issues afresh.


11, 12, 13 -      Deferred


14.       Revisit the audit restructuring implemented with effect from 1st April 2012


            The discussion was inconclusive. DAI informed that total reversal may not be possible. But the problems faced by the employees and officers would be addressed if specific cases are brought to the notice of administration.


15.       Withdrawal of Circular No 131-NGE (JC)/20-2010.KW-II date 21/02/2012 denying of permission to hold demonstration within the office premises.


            DAI informed that it is a conscious decision taken by present CAG; the Association is free to take it up with new CAG.


16.       Change in the panel year for promotion


            No agreement. Will be discussed further.









Thursday, April 4, 2013

Circular 8

Dear Comrades
Please find Circular 08-2013 posted below.
With Greetings
M. S. Raja
Secretary General



15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/4101593/ 0 – 98681 45667

E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com

Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com


Reference: AIA/Circular-08/2013                                                           Dated: 3rd April 2013



Unit Secretaries,

Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &

Members of Women's Committee


Dear Comrades,




            All India Audit & Accounts Association would be completing glorious 90 years on the coming 15th April. Founded on 15th April 1923 in a meeting of likeminded brave-hearts at Nagpur, (Pl refer Circular 09-2012) the Association has seen many ups and downs and many victimisations at the hands of the die-hard bureaucracy of IA&AD. Every time the Association emerged more vibrant and militant.


            The 46th Conference of the Association held at Guwahati called upon every unit to observe the 90th Association Day in a befitting manner by organising week-long programme from 15th April.


            15th April – Flag hoisting and meeting


16th April – Distribution of Handbill on the history of the Association prepared in local language to all employees and officers


17th April – Hall meeting – speech by senior (including retired) comrades on the role of All India Audit & Accounts Association (special thrust may be given on newly recruited personnel), the challenges


18th & 19th April – Hall meetings with different groups of members on the challenges before the Audit & Accounts personnel, the CG employees and the working class – Confederation leaders may pl be invited to address the meetings.


            All out effort to reach to every employee and officer may be taken. Reporting of Conference – wherever not done – may also be undertaken during this programme. The charter of Demands and the policy and programme resolution adopted by the Conference may be explained to one and all.


            The campaign should without fail cover enrolling of new members, April being the month for enrolling new members. 





            The 46th Conference, after taking stock of the prevailing situation in IA&AD, decided to educate and mobilise the employees in pursuance of the Charter of Demands adopted by the Conference. The Conference concluded that the first and foremost impediment before the employees is the colonial mindset of the IAAS Bureaucracy –that take advantage of the Indian Constitution and defy it at every stage when it matter to the function and the employees - and arrogant denial of basic right of the employees to organise and the right to expression.


            The Conference, therefore, called upon the members to observe 23rd April 2013 as "REMOVE CURBS ON THE EXERCISE OF FUNDAMENTAL (Right to Association & Right to Expression) & DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS DAY" by adopting the (enclosed) letter addressed to the Comptroller & Auditor General in a lunch hour meeting and handing over to the Head of the Department by the Executive Committee in a deputation.




            The CAG administration has issued an order where-by all the Assistant Audit officers in the P&T Audit would be liable to be transferred out of station on completion of 5 years in the station. This order not only would de-stabilise the family life of the Assistant Audit officers and Audit officers but would also throw the office functioning of every Branch Audit Office (BAO) under Director General of Audit (P&T) into chaos.


            A similar position is already in existence in the Commercial Audit, where transfer was a norm for a long time.


            In P&T Audit, though the cadre of AAO and AO/SAO are All India Cadres for the sake of deciding seniority for promotions, functionally it was a local cadre from the very beginning. This unilateral decision on transfer policy of AAOs and AO/SAO is highly objectionable. The resolution adopted by the 46th Conference on the subject is enclosed. All the Units are requested to adopt the same resolution on 23rd April 2013 and hand it over to the Heads of Departments along with the letter on right to fundamental and democratic rights. 


            With greetings,

Yours fraternally




Secretary General






15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/4101593/ 0 – 98681 45667

E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com

Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com


Reference: AIA/B-1/21/2013                                                                                             

3rd April 2013



The Comptroller & Auditor General of India,

9, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,

New Delhi – 110124






            The field Associations of this Federation had been a Composite Association comprising of all groups B, C & D exception being Audit/Accounts Officers who had their separate Associations & Federations. With the promulgation of CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993, Head of the Department has been vested with the authority to define distinct category for formation of Association. The result is that the then existing composite Association now being split into four category-wise Associations. This is interference in the fundamental right to Association guaranteed under Art. 19 of Constitution. Imposing restrictions on the right to form an Association of our choice is, therefore, ultra vires of the Article 19 of the Constitution.        


            We, therefore, request you to examine the validity of this restriction and withdraw order defining the distinct categories. This request has been made on behalf of the 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association held on 11 -14 March 2013 at Guwahati, Assam.


            The Conference also considered the various measures being taken by authorities which act as curbs on day to day functioning of the Association viz. organising General Body Meetings, dharna, demonstrations and even mass casual leave to register their protest against non-settlement of their collective grievances. The above measures have been taken in exercise of freedom of expression which is also guaranteed under the Constitution.


            It has also been seen that meetings without permission have been treated as violation of Rule 7(i) of CCS (Conduct), Rules. In this way all meetings, peaceful demonstrations, dharna etc. which have not been prohibited under 7(i) ibid, have also been declared as prohibited demonstrations and that also through an executive instruction by a Ministry which is not even the nodal Ministry. This is an attempt to expand a prohibited conduct not through the rule itself or through statutory orders issued by the President of India under Art.309 of the Constitution. Several judgements pronounced by various courts justified the conduct of peaceful demonstrations/meetings/dharnas.  This is therefore a patently ultra vires executive order which is illegal and should be deleted from the rule book. This has been done through another executive instruction which is illegal and void.


            The Conference, therefore, directed me to request you to have a 'suo moto' review of the cases in which the illegal instructions have been invoked and disciplinary proceedings culminating in severe penalties have been inflicted by different field authorities working under you.


            I hope the above submissions made on behalf of our Conference would receive your consideration and the Department would be drawn out of shadows of victimisation to restore harmonious employer-employee relations.


     Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully,



(M. S. Raja)

Secretary General













The 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association held at Guwahati, Assam on 11th to 14th March 2013 noted that the Circular issued by Director General of Audit (Post & Telecommunications) causing transfer of all Assistant Audit Officers and Audit and Sr Audit Officers in every five year is neither in the interest of the personnel or in the interest of the function.


The Conference was of the considered view that this unilateral decision of the DGA (P&T) would not only lead to total demoralisation of the work force in P&T Audit leading to adverse effect on the output but destabilise the entire functional set up in the Branch Audit Offices (BAOs) in P&T Audit. This Circular flies on the face of the sterling performance by P&T Audit personnel in the very recent past.


The Conference rejeceds the contention in the Circular dated 11.03.2013 that continuance in the same station would lead to 'casual approach to work'. Instead of granting incentive to all those who has done excellent job, the departmental authorities are in a mood to penalise and thus demoralise the hard working officers of the Department.


The 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association held at Guwahati, Assam on 11th to 14th March 2013 urged upon the DGA (P&T) to withdraw the Circular dated 11th March 2013, to initiate discussion with this Association on transfer policy in P&T Audit and arrive at a consensus.


This meeting of members of ………………………………………….Association, ….. held on 23rd April 2013 endorses the resolution adopted by the 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association and urges upon the Comptroller & Auditor General of India to intervene causing resolution to the issue. 


It is resolved to send a copy of this resolution to the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.









Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Policy Programme Resolution

Dear Comrades
The Policy & Progrmme Resolution adopted by the 46th Conference is placed below
M. S. Raja
Secretary General


Adopted by the 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association

At Guwahati, Assam from 11th  to 14th March 2013


The 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association held at Guwahati, Assam from 11th to 14th March 2013 after having deliberated on developments since the 45th Conference of 2010 at Jaipur in various fronts come to the conclusion that the attack on the livelihood of the common man is on the rise. Misery upon misery is heaped on the common man through different policy initiatives and legislation at the behest of crony capitalist forces. The political party which got mandate of the people with the slogan "Hamaare Hath Aam Aadmi ke sath" (our hand with the common man) is now active against the very interest of the common man.


The decisions to allow FDI in multi brand retail trade in Financial Sector, Pension and introduction of PFRDA bill and deregulating the price of Petrol, Diesel and demolishing all the social security schemes like PDS and subsidy to agricultural section etc and burdening the common people do clearly indicate the anti worker, anti people thrust in policies of the government.


The All India Audit & Accounts Association notes with all the seriousness the efforts of the Trade Unions and mass organisations to bring the unity of all the working class and democratic movements against these anti people policies of the government. The united action of organising three strikes in last three years has raised the hopes of suffering people to resist and repulse the attack of the government on their livelihood. We hail the unity achieved by these movements and now the Audit employees can safely join the movement under the broad umbrella of the Central Trade Unions. This Conference is of the conscious view that the naked anti people, anti worker and pro-capitalist force policies of the government can be resisted and fought back through sustained and continuous united actions of the working class and people at large, the 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association held at Guwahati, Assam from 11th to 14th March 2013 therefore, unanimously resolved to join every struggle decided by the Central Trade Unions and independent Federations and endorsed by Confederation of central Government Employees & Workers against the anti worker, anti people economic policies. It is estimated that more than 10 crore working people had joined the historic strike on 20-21st February 2013. From this development we are confident now that 50 crore people of striking worker and their families have chosen the path of struggle.


Part – II


The 46th Conference further take not that ever increasing inflation and sky rocketing price rise have made the wage revision effected on the recommendations of 6th CPC with effect from 1.1.2006 redundant. The salary now drawn by the Central Govt Employee is less than the value of salary drawn by them in 2006 due to diminishing rupee value and high cost of living. This Conference therefore, demands revision of wages in every five years as in the case of Central Public Sector Undertakings and financial sector etc. The Conference reiterate its resolve to strengthen the unity of Central Govt Employees to carry forward the struggle under the banner of Confederation of Central Govt Employees and Worker and ensure decent living wages to Central Govt Employees.


The 46th Conference further resolves to continue the struggle under the banner of Confederation of Central Govt Employees and Workers for securing negotiated settlement on all the outstanding issues and also for revival and effective functioning of JCM at all levels.


The Government subverted the recommendation of 6th CPC with respect to AAO by merging the posts of Section Officer and Assistant Audit/Accounts Officer. Further the government had added insult to injury by totally distorting the recommendations of the 6th CPC by revising the Grade Pay of Assistant to Rs 4600 with effect from 1.1.2006. Even the recommendation of 6 CPC has not been implemented in true sense in respect of Auditor/Accountant.


The 6th CPC has done injustice Audit and Accounts employees by not accepting the principle and concept of parity in pay scales between Senior Auditor/Accountant and Assistant in CSS on untenable and wrong premises, thus overlooking the fact that the government itself has conceded parity in pay scales in 1984 and board of Arbitration has upheld it.


Any demand for restructuring of cadres and also for wage revision is not going to be achieved only by making demand, we have to go for sustained , long drawn struggle to achieve it. The 46th Conference therefore resolves to pursue the demands organisationally and legally wherever required and feasible, independently as well as under the banner of Joint Action Committee of Accounts and Audit Employees and Officers Organisations.


Part – III


The 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association held at Guwahati, Assam from 11th to 14th March 2013 is of the considered view that the huge vacancy in the Department is a big impediment in carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to the department in an effective and timely manner. The Conference records its concern that instead of getting sufficient hands to discharge the function, attempts are made to circumvent the conventional, time tested and effective audit mechanisms and making the audit only superficial one, scuttling down the concept of Public Accountability. The Comptroller & Auditor General of India and IA&AD is deliberately shying away to function as watch dog of Indian Finances. The emerging scandals, scams and huge pilferage of public money make it mandatory for effective auditing of various expenses/revenues of consolidated fund of India. It is a Constitutional responsibility cast upon the institution of IA&AD and C&AG of India to discharge their duties as watch dog of Indian Finances.


This Association further note with serious concern of the attack of the political class on the institution of C&AG on discharge his Constitutional responsibilities in order to serve their vested interest. We condemn this tendency.


This Conference reminds the departmental authority that the mandate of the CAG is from the Constitution of India and its commitment has to be to the people of India. We have to create awareness amongst the members against this fraud on Constitution by shying away to function as watch dog of Indian Public Finance Management through conventions and signature campaigns so as to force the administration to correct the course and discharge the functions as mandated under the Constitution and DPC Act. This Conference further resolves to create awareness amongst the people at large against the nefarious activities of the government to undermine the Constitutional Institution. Simultaneously, we should take initiative to sensitise our membership on the need to be above board in all respects.


The democratic right of the employees are under attack, the channel of negotiation are still ineffective and non functional. Scores of leaders and activists of this Association are facing penalties for the simple reason that they took up the cause of the employees and dared to express discontent. This 46th Conference resolves to rejuvenate the organisation structure and fight back the onslaughts on their democratic rights to form Association and to oppose the authoritarian action of the bureaucracy. This Conference further resolves to take steps to unite all the employees under our umbrella who had gone away from us due to some misconception and false propaganda.

Part IV

This Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association feels that the time has come to remind the members and people at large about their constitutional right of voting. This Conference therefore, exhorts the members and the people at large to exercise the right to vote consciously and elect a government which will be sympathetic to people at large and to working class and undertake steps to mitigate these sufferings.


Part – V


This 46th Conference therefore adopts the following Charter of Demands.


Charter of Demands


   1.  Strengthen Audit & Accounts to Safeguard People's Rights

       Stop down-sizing; Stop outsourcing & privatisation of Audit & Accounts; Scrap    Curtailment/shedding of Audit functions in the name of Audit Plan; ensure continuance of the existing Accounting and Auditing methodologies and appropriate party days with scientific work norms; ensure effective Panchayati Raj Audit & Accounts by sanctioning adequate posts; revisit restructuring of Audit effected from 1..4. 2012.


       2.     a) Amend Company Law and DPC Act for Audit of Public Sector Undertakings      &  Corporations even after reduction of Government share to below 50%.

       b) Amend Company Law to ensure the Audit by IA&AD of all Public Limited   Companies listed with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

         c) Enact necessary law to bring audit of all public Financial Institutions by IA&AD.       


  3.     Restructure the audit/accounts cadres as per submitted by this Association &:


        i) De-merge the erstwhile Record Keeper from MTS and be granted GP of 1900.

     ii) Upgrade the cadre of LDC and re-designate as Audit Assistant with GP of 2400. Existing LDCs may be promoted as Auditor (Accountant) as a onetime measure.


                    Grant the following Grades Pay to other cadres

                                Auditor/Accountant –  4200,

                                                             SA –  4600,

                                                          AAO  – 4800 & 5400 (PB2) on completion of 4 years,

                                                                        AO–  6600

                                                            SAO -  7600 

          iii) Ensure equal opportunity in promotion to stenos of the same station.


  4.   a)  Vacate victimisation of Association activists.

        b) Allow democratic functioning of Association without interference from administration


 5.   Fill Up all vacant posts through local recruitment.


 6.    i) Withdraw annual audit criteria introduced vide letter dt 27 January 2011.

        ii) Stop unilateral implementation of transfer policy in Commercial Audit & P&T Audit


 7.      Implement Arbitration Award on SA pay Scale


 8.   Permit all Employees in the GP of 1800 to appear for all Departmental Exams including SOGE.


9.  Extend benefits of MACP to Assistant Audit/Accounts Officers by treating promotion to AAO as direct recruitment; withdraw the order treating promotion from Section Officer to Assistant Audit Officer between 01.01.2006 to 01.09.2008 as null and void.


  10. Designate Supervisor as AAO & Earmark 20% of AAO post for seniority cum fitness promotion


 11.   Remove differential treatment on pay fixation on promotion vis-à-vis direct recruitees in   all cadres


 12.  Stop downsizing of P&T Audit Offices; conduct audit of private service providers as per TRAI regulations.


13.   Re-imburse hotel charges to Railway Audit personnel wherever Railway accommodation is not allotted while on tour.


14.   Restore unilateral transfer policy.


15.   Restore metal Pass facility to AAOs in Railway Audit


16.   Grant increment and Grade Pay of 4800 from the day of Passing of SOGE


17.   Maintain Status Quo Ante on recruitment Rules on promotion to AOs cadre



Part – VI

This 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association authorises the National Executive Committee to take appropriate decisions on all the issues covered under this resolution.
