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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Spl. Circular/2023


Ph : 01202881727/8017743253
E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com     


Reference: AIA/Spl. Circular/2023                                                                         Dated: 30/04/2023



On this May Day, 2023, All India Audit and Accounts Association pay tribute to the Chicago martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the struggle to establish eight-hour work day and working class rights. This, year, May Day marks 100 years of observance of May Day in our country. It was in 1923 that Comrade M Singaravelu hoisted the red flag in the then city of Madras. We pay rich tributes to those pioneers of the Indian working class movement.

We are extending warm fraternal greetings to the employees and workers and all sections of toiling people in India who are today valiantly fighting against the onslaught of the ruling classes on jobs, wages, working conditions and hard won rights, benefits and basic entitlements, braving victimisation and inhuman attacks including physical attacks.

The labour codes, enacted during the pandemic are toolkits gifted to the big corporates by the Central Government to enable unfettered exploitation of workers, on the pretext of promoting ‘Ease of Doing Business’. On the one hand, the labour codes legalise the hitherto illegal violation by the employers of what were the laws of the land; on the other, they criminalise the workers’ collective actions to assert their basic trade unions and labour rights. Even the universally accepted ‘Right to 8 hours working day’ synonymous with May Day is being sought to be diluted. Recently in Chennai, the Assembly passed one bill that the workers will perform duties in their work-place at least 12 hours in a day considering 3 days paid holidays. The labour codes are meant to impose conditions of slavery on the working people depriving them of all their hard-won rights.

The public sector Banks, Insurance, Telecom, Port, Civil Aviation, Electricity, Steel, etc. are set to be given to private corporates. Not only industry and service, the government has also opened up agriculture to absolute corporate control. The three farm acts are meant to facilitate corporate takeover of our agriculture, hitherto dominated by small farmers.

The condition of Central Government Employees and Workers are no different. NPS not yet withdrawn, FR 56(j) not withdrawn, unnecessary delay for allowing promotions, arrears of D.A/D.R has been stopped. In this backdrop, this May Day is of unparalleled importance.

The joint platform of Trade Unions and Federations of India calls out to the workers of the nation to make this May Day a success. They congratulate the working class overcoming difficulties like, victimisation by the employers, authoritarian attitude of the bureaucrats, etc. through participate in series of General Strikes.

On this May-day, the day of working-class solidarity, The All India Audit and Accounts Association extends warm greetings to all of our comrades specially to those who are fighting to protect the hard earned rights not only to the Central Government Employees movement but also for the entire working class movement.

We request the sincere cooperation of all our dear Comrades to make the May Day’s programmes a grand success through the lunch hour/recess hour meeting on 1st May, 2023.



Fraternally yours,

(Tapas Bose)
Secretary General