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Friday, December 22, 2017


15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012
Reference: AIA/Circular-27/2017                                                       Dated:  21st December 2017

Unit Secretaries,
Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &
Members of Women’s Committee

Dear Comrades,

The bilateral, agenda meeting with DAI was held on 21st December 2017. Coms KC Mathai, Vice President, Anilkumar, Additional Secretary General and G. Rajagopal, Assistant Secretary General participated in the meeting, in addition to the Secretary General. PD (Staff), AC (N), SAO (JCM) were also present from the official side.

A brief on the discussion is given below:

1. i) Revisit the Audit restructuring of 2012 and rationalisation of staff strength in Audit offices;
ii) Instructions to post audit parties from Kerala to Chennai in CERA be withdrawn
& 2.   Time bound 5 promotions to all personnel

In the process of discussion on item No. 1, item 2 was also added.

              The anomalous position with regard to administrative and functional control of the personnel on account of restructuring of audit offices in 2012 was illustratively placed before DAI. The commitment of the then DAI that none would be disturbed from their station is violated on and often.
It was also pointed out that Department is unilaterally implementing restructuring  of offices and man power as in the case of rationalisation of staff strength in audit offices done in 2016 without taking the staff interest into account.              
              We insisted that the both the actions be reviewed to which DAI said that the though restructuring cannot be undone but specific instances could be addressed when brought to notice. As of rationalisation of staff strength in audit office is concerned it was explained that the pinch that is being felt now would be eased within one year as the number of posts and personnel would increase.  
              We proposed that instead of going for piecemeal actions as done in 2012 and 2016, the Department should go for a holistic approach through cadre restructuring where all these issues including our demand for 5 time promotions in one’s career could also be decided upon on a scientific basis. It was further insisted that the Department should form a cadre restructuring committee with representation to staff side.

      DAI agreed to this proposal saying that it is necessary to have a holistic view.

3.  Ensure promotional avenues for MTS, LDC, DEO, Auditor/Accountant and SA on seniority cum fitness basis, without educational qualifications.

  After detailed discussion, it was clarified that there is no conditions attached to promotion of LDC as Accountant or Auditor. If any instance is pointed out, it would be rectified.

  We insisted that as for promotion of metric-passed MTS, CAG should relax the condition to enable them to avail promotion as such a condition did not exist when they were recruited or MTS cadre was created. DAI agreed to get the issue examined.

4.   Grant GP 5400 to AAOs on completion of 4 years service as recommended by 6th and 7th CPCs

DAI informed that the Department is pursuing the issue and is hopeful of resolution.        
5.  Grant unlimited number of chances for SAS to candidates who have passed in four papers

Quite a lengthy discussion took place on this issue as the administration went on defending the existing 10 chances per candidate.

It was pointed out that by this action of the department, promotional prospects of personnel are being blocked forever, leaving behind a demoralised and demotivated workforce.

It is then assured to have a relook on the decision.

6. Remove ban on demonstration in the office premises

  The constitutional position including the latest missive of the Min. of Labour and Employment to Min. of Railways saying that unrecognized Associations/Unions also have the right to demonstrate peacefully were placed.

  It was also pointed out that disturbance or violence should not be presumed in advance. If such incidents occur those should be dealt with under the relevant rules. It was stated that one incidence should not lead to a permanent ban on demonstration and meetings. It was pointed out that permission is granted to L&R Clubs to organise programmes inside the office that also with full sound system and the entire administration including Accountants General would be present. The blanket ban on demonstrations imposed by 2012 circular be withdrawn, it was demanded.

      DAI assured to have a relook on the ban order on demonstrations.

7. Ensure proper functioning of Departmental Canteens by recruiting sufficient staff

            As Recruitment Rule for Canteen has been notified a month back, it was submitted by     us that all the daily rated/contingent/contract workers working in the Departmental        Canteen be regularised against huge vacancies existing in the departmental canteens.  

It was agreed to consider the proposal.

8.  i) Field level Audit Parties should be provided with sufficient man days and reasonable            Transit days;
     ii) Remove the practice of providing transit on closed holidays; 
    iii) Settle the claims on tour TA/DA in a time bound manner

On (i), DAI commented that it is a good item on an area that has been neglected for long. She agreed to have a fresh look at it and do the needful.

On (i) and (ii), DAI agreed to observe the rule strictly.

9. Protection of staff interests and extension of facilities to personnel in the event of bifurcation of the Office of Accountants General (Andhra Pradesh) to AsG (AP) and AsG (Telangana)

  A detailed presentation was done from the Association side. All issues such as sanction of additional staff strength, delaying the shifting of the AP office to Amravati, Vijayawada upto 2021 or till own building and staff quarters are ready etc were presented and it was requested that the staff concerns may be given utmost space before taking a final decision on the formation of new office at Amravati.

     DAI assured to have staff interest in mind while making the final call.
10. Fixation of pay on promotion as Supervisor of those Sr Auditor/Sr Accountants who were granted GP 4600 under MACPS

               DAI agreed to refer it to DOPT for clarification.

            With greetings,
Yours fraternally

M. S. Raja
Secretary General

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Circular - 26

15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Reference: AIA/Circular-26/2017                                                       Dated: 18th December 2017

Unit Secretaries,
Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &
Members of Women’s Committee

Dear Comrades,

            The National Executive Committee of the Association met at Bhubaneswar on 14 & 15 December 2017. The meeting was presided over by Com. K.C. Mathai, Vice President. (Com. Tapas Bose, President had to return to home from the Railway Station on receipt of the information that his mother fell and has to be hospitalised).

            The meeting held a detailed review of the organisational position in the light of the decisions taken by 47th Conference as well as the Allahabad CWC.

1.         It was decided by the NE meeting to hold interactive sessions in various Units along         with TU camps. Tentative dates at some of the stations as decided by the meetings are     given below. (The dates may be rescheduled slightly according to the availability of             venue etc).

            1. Hyderabad – 26-27 March 2018

            2. Guwahati – Between 15th and 20th of February 2018

            3. Delhi – The class would be held in a staggered manner during February-March 2018

            4. Jaipur – 1-2 March 2018

            5. Kolkata – 26-27 February 2018

            6. Nagpur – 23-24 February 2018

            7. Bengaluru – date would be confirmed later

            Kerala, Chennai, Chhattisgarh, Ahmedabad–Rajkot, Allahabad Units may communicate the suitable dates to HQr without delay.
            It was decided that the classes at different stations should be staggered so as to   ensure that HQr leaders are able to attend and spend time with our unit leaders and           activists.

2.         The meeting further noticed that the work allocation amongst the NE members done      in the first meeting after the 47th Conference has failed to work. It was therefore       decided to re-allocate the work as given below.

            P&T Audit – Comrades Anindya Mitra & RJ Iyer

            Railway Audit – Com. Rupak Mukhopadhyay

            Kerala, Bengaluru, Chennai & Hyderabad – V Sreekumar, K Ramesh & G Rajagopal

            Nagpur, Chhattisgarh, Bhopal, Gwalior, Jaipur          )
            Delhi, Mumbai, Gujarat, Allahabad, Lucknow           ) – MS Raja
            J&K & any station not specifically mentioned here   )

            Kolkata, Odisha – Tapas Bose

            NE – Amitava Chatterjee

            Chandigarh, Shimla – KL Gautam

3.         It was also decided to hold a National Convention in New Delhi, as decided by the            Allahabad CWC, preferably during the Budget Session of the Parliament on the       subject “Public Accountability in Parliamentary Democracy and Role of Audit – in the           era of neo-liberal economic policies”.
            The HQr would finalise a work paper and circulate after making preliminary        preparations.

4.         It was decided to campaign amongst the members, especially amongst the newly            recruited ones on NPS. To this end, it was decided to hold a Convention on NPS in      every station on 30th January 2018. Background papers and draft declaration would be          circulated by HQr.

5.         The meeting noted that the financial position of the HQr is quite precarious. All the         Units should ensure remittance of the special collection of Rs 500/- without any            further delay.

6.         The NE decided to hold a National Women’s Convention under our banner –         separately from Conference -with participation from almost all Units in July 2018, in          New Delhi.

7.         The NE noticed that some of the Units are yet to submit the memorandum on grant of    GP 5400 on completion of 4 years of service. This is causing delay in submission of the            memorandum to PM. The defaulter Units are requested to submit the same without   delay, copy to SG.

8.         Secretary General reported about the joint sitting with All India Audit & Accounts             Officers Association on 2nd December 2017 to finalise our formulations towards cadre       restructuring in IA&AD and that the       draft approach paper is under preparation. The       meeting approved the approach and directed the Secretary General to proceed. It was             decided that the draft paper on cadre restructuring shall be subjected to discussion in            all the Units before being taken up by the CWC for approval.

            With greetings,

Yours fraternally
M. S. Raja
Secretary General