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Tuesday, December 31, 2013


15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Reference: AIA/Circular-28/2013                                                           Dated: 31st December 2013

Unit Secretaries,
Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &
Members of Women’s Committee

Dear Comrades,

The year 2013 will bid good bye and the year 2014 will be ushered in few hours. The CHQ of

All India Audit & Accounts Association

Wishes all the members and their family


It is a time of stock taking – to assess our work, to understand, identify our weaknesses and strengths and then to rectify the mistakes and carry forward the struggle for equality with vigour.

It is indeed quite painful to accept that we have lost the righteousness to some extent somewhere on the way. The will to stand up again is also somewhat wanting despite the fact that we have a host of experienced leader and a committed cadre. We expect everything to be served to us on a platter.

Refusal to accept the challenges and determination to confront the arrogance of the administration are quite visible. This has to be addressed positively and overcome.

A Trade Union worker has to first understand that the movement of the day has been built by our predecessors upon innumerable sacrifices of many, known and unknown. They did not look up for the manna to fall from heaven, they – with their honesty and commitment – faced the odds with determination.

The bureaucracy had been like this from the day one, it cannot be different in the days to come also.

It is we the one on the ground have brought about the changes. Forget not, we have a responsibility towards the posterity.

The future is not bleak, it is bright for the one who has fire within to fight for a cause.

The recent elections to the Delhi assembly has one big message to all – if we are determined and committed to the cause that we espouse, if we are able to go to the people with that cause, the people will be with us. And miracles can happen, things that were considered as ‘just a dream’ could be reality.

The question is whether we are ready for that.

The answer cannot be something else – yes, we are.

We have a goal – unity of audit and accounts employees and officers, freedom from shackles of bureaucratic arrogance, right to live in dignity supported by honesty.


Yes, we can bring about changes, re-create history with a united, vibrant and militant organisation of all audit & accounts employees and officers ie ALL INDIA AUDIT & ACCOUNTS ASSOCIATION.

Let us dedicate ourselves for that cause. 

With greetings,

Yours fraternally

Secretary General