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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Circular 02

Dear Comrade
Please find Circular 02-2013 posted below
With greetings
M. S. Raja
Secretary General



15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/4101593/ 0 – 98681 45667

E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com

Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com


Reference: AIA/Circular-02/2013                                                           Dated:  20th January 2013



Unit Secretaries,

Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &

Members of Women's Committee


Dear Comrades,

Conference Special – 1


Details of arrival at Guwahati


            By this time, all the units might have booked the tickets for Guwahati, host station for 46th Conference. The Reception Committee must be informed of the details such as date of arrival, number of delegates & observers etc. Last minute communications or any unit landing up at the venue without prior intimation would place the host unit in a very difficult situation, which would also put the visiting comrades into inconvenience. Every Unit must take it as a priority task.


No of Delegates


The Constitution of All India Audit & Accounts Association stipulates: 'Besides the National Executive Committee Members of the Federation, each of the Federating Association shall be entitled to send two delegates for first 250 Primary members and one delegate for each additional 250 members and one for last fraction of 250 membership.'


Membership means the number of members based on the HQr quota remittances for the years 20109-10, 2010-11 & 2011-12. The rate of HQr quota for the period is:


                        2009-10: Rs 4 per member per month i.e. Rs 48 p.a.


2010-11: Rs 4 per member per month for April-Sept and Rs 8 p.m. for Oct-March i.e. Rs 72 p.a.


                        2011-12: Rs 8 per member per month i.e. Rs 96/- p.a.


                        2012-13: Rs 8 per member per month i.e. Rs 96/- p.a.                       


HQr Quota remittances


Many a units are yet to remit the HQr quota fully as per the rate prescribed in the Constitution of All India Audit & Accounts Association. As stated in earlier Circulars, the delay in enhancing the rate of subscription cannot be accepted as the ground for not paying the HQr quota fully. If there is any delay in getting the approval or even moving the amendment, a special drive may be undertaken to clear the HQr quota dues.


Clear HQr Quota Dues by 15th February 2013


The attached statement (not placed on the blog) will show how much is outstanding against the dues, unit wise. On 16th February 2013, the statement would be updated.


The No. of delegates would be worked out based on the remittances received upto 15th February 2012 and communicated.


With greetings,

Yours fraternally





Secretary General

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Circular 01-2013

Dear Comrades
Please find Circular 01-2013 posted below.
Also posted is the notification for the 46th Conference.
With greetings
M. S. Raja
Secretary General



15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/4101593/ 0 – 98681 45667

E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com

Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com

Reference: AIA/Circular-01/2013                                                     Dated:  8th January 2013



Unit Secretaries,

Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &

Members of Women's Committee


Dear Comrades,












The year that went-by has left a lot of unfinished tasks before us. The first and foremost is the task of rebuilding the organisation.


One should realise that no outside forces can help us – the task has to be undertaken by us alone, confronting the odds, sometimes facing situations that none that In the present generation has ever faced.


We have to remember that nothing has come without costs – if we get DA today in every six as if on a platter, there is a history of sacrifices of our predecessors whom the leaders and members of the present generation would have never met. There were two strikes – in 1960 and 1968. It is after these the government was forced to refer it to the 3rd CPC which for the first time recommended a formula for DA. This DA is a cushion that the government employees – though not really a hundred per cent – against the spiraling prices of essential commodities. Those who led and participated in those strikes would not have been the beneficiaries to the extent the next generation has been.


There is the story of struggle by Post & Telegraph workers way back in 1946 demanding wage hike, paving the way for the 1st CPC.


The case of Bonus is fresh one – seven day long strike in October 1996 to end the discrimination on eligibility criteria.


The mayhem by the IA&AD bureaucracy is nothing new. It is through sustained struggles and sacrifices of our predecessors that we could assert our democratic rights, rather we could force the reluctant die-hard bureaucracy to concede space for democratic voice of the employees.


Today, the right to demonstrate is denied. Impediments are created in the regular functioning of the Associations. Rules are implemented in a most lopsided, rather one sided manner.


There is no short-cut – assert the rights, earn your space and make your voice heard, through struggles.  


Struggle is the right path,


Struggle is the only path.




No organisation worth its name can remain mute to the miseries that are heaped on the people at large by the inhuman 'liberalisation' that take away your right for a decent and dignified existence.


The working class of the country would be going on two day strike on 20th and 21st February 2013 against these polices.  The unity of the Working class has grown with INTUC and BMS also joining the protest movement.


The Confederation has been a part of this joint Trade Union movement since its inception. So is the All India Audit & Accounts Association.


Let us prepare for the success of the strike.




The state government employees of Kerala on indefinite strike from 8th January 2013 against the decision of the state government to introduce contributory pension scheme with effect from 1st April 2013 and also demanding, among other things, wage revision in every five year.


CHQ greets the valiant comrades of Kerala who are fighting against the new pension scheme.


With greetings,

Yours fraternally




Secretary General




15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/ 0 – 98681 45667

E-mail: auditflag1923@gmail.com


Reference: AIA/A-6/2013                                                                         Date: January 6, 2013






Under Article 9 B of the Constitution of All India Audit & Accounts Association, it is here-by notified that the 46th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association shall be held at Guwahati, Assam from 11th March 2013 to 14th March 2013. 

The agenda of the Conference shall be as given below.



1. Composing of the House


2. Homage to Martyrs and Condolence Resolution


3. To consider and adopt the minutes of the 45th Conference of All India Audit & Accounts Association held at Jaipur from 2nd to 5th February 2010.


4. Submission of report by the Secretary General on activities since the last Conference, discussion and adoption there-of.


5. Submission of Audited Accounts by the Finance Secretary for the years 2009- 10, 2010-11 & 2011-12; discussion and adoption there-of.


6.  Discussion on Organisational front and to take appropriate decisions there-on.


7.  To consider Resolution on Policy & Programme and adoption of the same.


8. To consider developments in the common front of CG employees, discussion there-on to finalise the approach.


9. Any other mater with the permission of Chair


10. Constitution of Electoral College and election of Office-bearers for the term 2013-'14 to 2015-'16.

11. To appoint Auditor for the period 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15.


12. Vote of thanks.



(M. S. Raja)

Secretary General




1. The Central Working Committee shall be held on 10th March 2013 at 4 pm at the venue of the Conference. The Central Working Committee meeting would be preceded by the meeting of National Executive Committee on 10th March 2013.


 2. All the units should submit Audited Accounts for the year 2009-10, 2010-11 & 2011-12 to the Head Quarter so as to reach the same before 15thFebruary 2013, enclosing therewith statement on the remittances to HQr. for the said period.


3. As per Note 2 under Article 9 of the Constitution the voting rights shall be regulated on the basis of membership of each Federated Association in the following manner: two delegates for first 250 primary members and one delegate for each additional 250 members and one for the last fraction of 250 memberships. This shall be decided on the basis of remittances towards Head Quarter quota for the period 2006-07 to 2008-09.


4. The Members of the outgoing National Executive Committee shall be delegates as per the Constitution.


5. There shall no limit on the number of observers. Observers shall not have voting rights.


6. The names of delegates and observers should be communicated to HQr by 15th February 2013 with a copy to Reception committee.


7. The quorum for the Conference shall be 15% of the entitled delegates, subject to 25% of Federating Associations participating. For adjourned meeting, there shall be no need of quorum.


8.  Any Federating Association wanting to move any resolution on Departmental or Common Front of CG employees or on any issue shall have to send the resolution to the Head Quarters of the Association by 15th February 2013. Resolution(s) other than the one sent in advance as stated above shall not be entertained and be summarily rejected.  


9. The Reception Committee shall communicate the details such as Venue, Delegation/observer Fee etc.


10.  Federating Association shall have to make their own arrangement for to and         fro journey.
