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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Circular 24

Dear Comrades
Please find Circular 24 posted below.
With greetings
yours fraternally
M. S. Raja
Secretary General



15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/4101593/ 0 – 98681 45667

E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com

Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com

Reference: AIA/Circular-24/2012                                                Dated:  22nd September 2012



Unit Secretaries,

Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &

Members of Women's Committee


Dear Comrades,



It is learnt that CAG office has ordered reverification of membership of Federations. The All India Audit & Accounts Association is yet to get any communication in this regard.


The last reverification was in 2007, on completion of 2 years after according recognition to Federations as per CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 in 2004. The administration had conducted mid-term verification in 2008, the result of which was declared in 2010.


We have written to CAG on these. Also, the verification of membership of various Associations is still going on. Copy of the letter addressed to CAG is enclosed.


All the Units may submit the authorisation letter to the Head of Office in the format attached. Two copies of the authorisation letter so submitted to Head of Office along with the copy of covering letter (acknowledgement) may be sent to HQr immediately on submission of authorisation letter to Head of Office.


Along with the two copies of authorisation letter, Units may also send list of the executive Committee, copy of list of membership for September 2012 (received from office). The authorisation letter has to be signed by both President and General Secretary. The authorisation letter and details are to be submitted to CAG along with our application for continued recognition.


Other Units in the station may be mobilised so that no unit fail to submit the authorisation letter.



CAG office has confirmed that they are in receipt of letter from DOPT seeking comments on the Note we had submitted on Pay scales in IA&AD as decided in the meeting DOPT and Deptt of Expr on 30th July 2012.


We have written to CAG seeking a meeting with DAI on the subject well before the Department sends its comments to DOPT. We have also submitted a copy of the note that Staff Side submitted to DOPT on the subject afresh. (We had submitted the same to CAG in 2009 itself).


With greetings,

Yours fraternally





Secretary General








            The …………………………Association, recognised by the D.G./ Pr. A. G/ A.G./  Pr. D.A./ D.A. vide letter ………………………….. dated ………………hereby affiliate and authorise the All India Audit and  Accounts  Association to represent them at central level,  in terms of instructions contained in the GOI, DOPT O.M. No. 2/14/98-JCA dated 3rd July 2002.



                   Sd/-                                                                        Sd/-


               President                                                         General Secretary      







Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Press Release

Dear Comrades
Please find the press release on attack on CAG by the ruling partiy posted below.
Please give it to local press too.
With greetings
M. S. Raja
Secretary General




15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/4101593/ 0 – 98681 45667

E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com

Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com



4th September 2012


P R E S S  R E L E A S E



            All India Audit & Accounts Association and All India Audit & Accounts Officers' Association representing Gr C and Gr B personnel of Indian Audit & Accounts Department under the Comptroller & Auditor General of India take strong exception to the vituperative attacks on the institution of CAG in the aftermath of the audit report by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India on Allocation of Coal Blocks and Augmentation of Coal Production (Ministry of Coal) in the Parliament. Many a ruling party leaders are attacking the audit report as well as the C&AG by name, attributing motives.  


            The audit report by the C&AG is by no means a single person's effort; it is the end product of collective effort that goes through many stages – discussion with the concerned department & Entry and Exit Conferences with the appropriate authorities in the Ministry which are laid down norms to be followed scrupulously. is a laid down norm which is religiously observed. It starts with an 'audit party' comprising of Audit officer, Assistant Audit Officer(s) and auditor. No audit report is finalised on hearsays – it is strictly on the basis of the findings from the files of the auditee department and each draft para (the initial remarks) has to be supported by key documents (KD). Before the report reaches the C&AG, the report is discussed with the officials of the concerned department/Ministry atleast at three levels. The reply of the concerned Ministry is considered carefully and incorporated in the Audit Report with suitable rebuttal at the appropriate places.


            The whole of discussion in the media by the political class is without proper understanding of the processes involved in the finalisation of an audit report and how meticulously it is finalised. The final reports that see light of the day are very few compared to the paras that are raised at the initial stage on account of strict adherence quasi judicial norms to well laid down and time tested guidelines.


            The Constitution of India confers the status of 'watchdog of Indian finances' to the CAG. Dr BR Ambedkar had stated in the Constituent Assembly - "I am of opinion that this dignitary or officer (CAG) is probably the most important officer of the Constitution of India.  He is the person who is going to see that the expenses voted by the parliament are not exceeded or varied from what has been laid down by the parliament in what has been called the appropriation act. If this functionary is to carry out the duties – and his duties, I submit, are far more important than the duties even of Judiciary- he should have been as independent as judiciary"


                It has become a fashion for the ruling parties – of Centre as well as States - to run down the CAG seeing politics in every audit report which is very detrimental to the cause of public accountability that has been mandated to CAG by the Constitution.


                The observations and conclusion in the audit report on allocation of 2G Spectrum now stands vindicated by the Governments own action on deciding the minimum prices to be quoted for auction.


                All India Audit & Accounts Association and All India Audit & Accounts Officers' Association deplore the politically motivated attacks on the C&AG by the leaders of the ruling parties at Centre as well as at States and request them to refrain from attributing motives to the audit reports that our members produce through their effort - in the interest of people at large and for the sake of ensuring public accountability and instead devote time on the policy that has been critically viewed in the audit report by the C&AG of India.


                All India Audit & Accounts Association and All India Audit & Accounts Officers' Association call upon its field formations to hold joint protest demonstration in every office on 6th September 2012 against the unwarranted and uncalled for attacks on the institution of CAG and attributing of political motives to the audit reports of the C&AG.





                                   Sd/-                                                                                                                          Sd/-                                                             

                                S. MOHAN                                                                                                           M. S. RAJA

                       Secretary General                                                                                          Secretary General    

All India Audit & Accounts Officers' Association                                                All India Audit & Accounts Association






Monday, September 3, 2012

Circular 23-2012

Dear Comrades
Please find Circular 23 posted below.



15/1089-90, VASUNDHARA, VASUNDHARA (P.O.), Dt. GHAZIABAD (U.P), PIN-201012

Ph: 0120-2881727/4101593/ 0 – 98681 45667

E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com

Website: www.auditflag.blogspot.com


Reference: AIA/Circular-23/2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Dated:  2nd Sept 2012



Unit Secretaries,

Members & Spl. Invitees – NE &

Members of Women's Committee


Dear Comrades,



Hold demonstration on 6th Sept 2012

Summing up the discussion in Constituent   Assembly on the role of CAG of India, Dr BR Ambedkar stated:

"I am of opinion that this dignitary or officer (CAG) is probably the most important officer of the Constitution of India.  He is the person who is going to see that the expenses voted by the parliament are not exceeded or varied from what has been laid down by the parliament in what has been called the appropriation act. If this functionary is to carry out the duties – and his duties, I submit, are far more important than the duties even of Judiciary- he should have been as independent as judiciary"

But what followed was, in effect, undermining the spirit that Dr Ambedkar did envision.

The institution of CAG has not been provided complete independence in its functioning. The jurisdiction of the CAG to encompass under the purview of audit by him the entirety of public money dealing has also been curtailed considerably. 

The Executive had all along been engaged in devising ways and means to keep out much of its financial transactions out of the purview of the audit of CAG as was possible for them. Institutions practically financed from the Public exchequer were declared as grant-in-aid institutions to exempt them from audit by CAG, except a perfunctory audit to certify the utilisation of those funds. Many autonomous bodies were carved out though totally financed from the Public Funds and thus exempted from CAG's Audit. Government companies were constituted through Parliament legislation with a provision that audit of such companies would be entrusted to Chartered Accountants approved by the CAG. In this manner, the Nationalised Banks were kept out of CAG's audit, despite many a Parliamentary Committees recommending bringing it under CAG's audit.

Over and above all these, the CAG himself is withdrawing from the noble cause that has been mandated under the Constitution. International practices are given precedence over the national interest. The transaction audit – the mainstay of public accountability – is drastically reduced, to the level of only 20%. New criteria for audit of PSUs have been issued where-by the quantum and reach of audit would be minimal. The priority is on performance audit and thematic (or dramatic?) audit.

Even after all these restrictions and curtailments, audit reports create news. The fault is not with audit – it lies somewhere. The audit reports get noticed as never before because of the corruption that has been indulged in by the executive.

The Indian Audit & Accounts Department does discharge the constitutional obligation. If it hurts some wrong doer then why the department and its head should be blamed or abused.

In the recent/latest audit report (on allocation of coal mines) the debate could have been on whether auction of coal mines would be beneficial for the common man. The exchequer would benefit, no doubt. At the same time when the price of coal would also go up – thus affecting escalation in transportation cost as also the cost of electricity produced from coal. The end user would have to pay more.

Instead of engaging on such a healthy debate, the ruling party leaders, including ministers, are trying to question the very foundation of audit ie public accountability.

The fact is this: nobody likes audit – somebody is in power somewhere and there they will abuse and shower insults on audit when the audit findings point out loss to exchequer. When they are in opposition they would hail the audit reports.

The attempt to use the audit reports as a pawn in the political game is reprehensible. The commitment of CAG and IA&AD is only to the Constitution and to the people of the country. It is not CAG who speaks through the reports; it is the files that speak. In the audit reports that only get reflected.

We deplore the tendency to politicise the audit reports by vested interests. We hold no brief for any officer. But CAG is the head of our department. Any abuse or insults hurled at him tantamount to insult to the entire institution.

The All India Audit & Accounts Association has been championing for the cause of independence of CAG. It would continue to do so.

In defence of independence of audit, in defence of our right to be the 'watch dog of Indian finances' (however limited manner we are able to discharge it) we are duty bound to defend our department.

The CHQ therefore call upon every unit to hold lunch hour demonstration on 6th Sept 2012 jointly with All India Audit & Accounts Officers Association. Proper permission for holding demonstration may please be obtained before the programme.

The enclosed resolution may be adopted and forwarded to The President of India, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001 through proper channel with copy to Secretary General.

Press Statement issued jointly by All India Audit & Accounts Association and All India Audit & Accounts Officers Association is also given below. Units may translate the same to vernacular language and give it to local press.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally





Secretary General





The General Body meeting of ……………………….Association affiliated to ……… (All India Audit & Accounts Association/All India Audit & Accounts Officers' Association) representing Gr C and Gr B personnel of Indian Audit & Accounts Department under the Comptroller & Auditor General of India would like to bring to the notice of Your Excellency the President of India about the vituperative attacks on the institution of CAG in the aftermath of the audit report by Comptroller & Auditor General of India on allotment of coal mines. Many a ruling party leaders, including Ministers in the Union Cabinet, are attacking the audit report as well as the CAG by name, attributing motives.  


The Constitution of India confers the status of 'watchdog of Indian finances' to the CAG. Dr BR Ambedkar had stated in the Constituent Assembly - "I am of opinion that this dignitary or officer (CAG) is probably the most important officer of the Constitution of India.  He is the person who is going to see that the expenses voted by the parliament are not exceeded or varied from what has been laid down by the parliament in what has been called the appropriation act. If this functionary is to carry out the duties – and his duties, I submit, are far more important than the duties even of Judiciary- he should have been as independent as judiciary"


It is an unfortunate and undesirable situation that it has become a fashion for the ruling parties – of Centre as well as States - to run down the CAG seeing politics in every audit report which is very detrimental to the cause of public accountability that has been mandated to CAG by the Constitution.


This General Body meeting requests Your Excellency to intervene and restrain the members of the Union Cabinet as also of the ruling combination from questioning the independence of CAG of India, thus creating impediments in the discharge of constitutionally mandated responsibilities.



